

1:29 minutes (1.37 MB)

This is the Fender Pro Junior modded to a Lite IIb, sort of. Guitars used Godin Solidac, Godin LG Signature, & Les Paul Studio. Stock brown label 10-inch speaker. JJ Tubes. Stock PT & OT. No Effects or EQ.

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0:09 minutes (137.59 KB)

Stock Pro Junior with ROG 18 in front.


0:08 minutes (134.33 KB)

Clean Stock Pro Junior. Godin Solidac Guitar using single coil pickup.

Gee' Down

4:05 minutes (3.74 MB)

Here's another demo of my orange lookin' combo I recently built into a 5E3 cabinet and chassis.

You can hear the full (longer than 4mb heh) on one of my soundclick pages:

Rico Get's Down

You might recognize the tune, yuck yuck. ;D

Dee Stomp by Rico

2:23 minutes (2.19 MB)

Not much of a tune, but highlights the crunchy, mid-range growl my lil' 1x12 combo can put out. Same amp used for the Gee Down tune, but I fixed a short across the treble control which, (duh) cut some highs out.
Excuse my slide work, it is very simple.


DNator's monstrosity -Take 2

1:17 minutes (1.17 MB)

My 2xEL84. It has sort of Fender pre-amp, with a standard blackface tone stack between 2 gain stages. The two gain stages use 1.5K/1uf and 820/2.2uF on the cathode respectively. Then there is a switch to take out the tone stack and replace it with a .02 cap and a voltage divider (exactly what's in a stock VJR).

Lil Devil Clip2

0:20 minutes (315.96 KB)

Lil devil Clip3

0:41 minutes (639.63 KB)

Lil Devil clip 4 by Kenny Workma

0:22 minutes (349.02 KB)

Plexi6V6 w/ Les Paul - Clean

0:34 minutes (535.96 KB)

Plexi6V6 through a 2x12 closed-backed cab w/ Greenbacks. Guitar is essentially a Les Paul (Not really, but close enough).

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