Audio by year 200

5E3 Proluxe Fully cranked

1:26 minutes (1.64 MB)

Short sniplet, once again Strat, Cable but Volume at 10.


0:09 minutes (137.59 KB)

Stock Pro Junior with ROG 18 in front.


0:08 minutes (134.33 KB)

Clean Stock Pro Junior. Godin Solidac Guitar using single coil pickup.

Dee Stomp by Rico

2:23 minutes (2.19 MB)

Not much of a tune, but highlights the crunchy, mid-range growl my lil' 1x12 combo can put out. Same amp used for the Gee Down tune, but I fixed a short across the treble control which, (duh) cut some highs out.
Excuse my slide work, it is very simple.


Colossal 6V6 Plexi

0:31 minutes (489.43 KB)

Disclaimer:**please excuse the crappy playing**

Mark Huss design 6V6 Plexi
All knobs dimed, both channels internally jumpered, VVR at 11 o'clock
Recorded direct using an iMac with built-in mic into Garageband, no effects
PRS SE Singlecut guitar with PRS #7 bridge pickup, volume 10, tone 8
Avatar "Contemporary" closed-back 2x12 with reissue Celestion 25w Greenbacks

Blackstar HT-5 Combo

2:01 minutes (2.77 MB)

This demo track is taken from the UK's Guitarist Magazine Nov 2008.

It's an interesting 5W PP amp using a 12BH7 for the power amp. Very well priced in the UK too.

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